Celebrate Recovery
Is Celebrate Recovery for you?
Celebrate Recovery was launched at Saddleback Church 32 years ago and meets weekly in over 35,000 churches, world-wide. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12-step program for those who are ready to embark on a journey of real and lasting change.​
To explore whether or not Celebrate Recovery may hold some advantage for your life simply ask yourself whether you or someone you are in a close relationship with may:​
​​This recovery program is forward-looking. Rather than wallowing in the past, or dredging up and rehearsing painful memories over and over, Celebrate Recovery focuses on the future. Regardless of what has already happened, the solution is to start making wise choices now and depend on Christ’s power to help me make those changes.
If you or someone close to you is struggling with one of these hurts, hang-ups, or habits, join others who are working too. We meet every Friday night, 7:00-9:00 pm at our safe, hospitable programming space located at 2400 Broad Street, Ste 5, Durham, NC 27704. Park in the back and look for the orange door.
Hurting parents have hurting children. Click here to find out more about how Celebration Place can serve your child in grades K-5.
Women's Intensive 12-Step Step Study Group - Interested in going even deeper in your recovery? Find out more about our upcoming Women's Step Study here.
Do too much
Owe too much
Work too much
Exercise too much
Spend too much
Lust too much or too often
Sleep too much
Fantasize too much/often
Stuck in grief
Gamble too much
Use illicit drugs too often
Feel used too often
Act compulsively too often
Become sad too often
Lose control too often
Become jealous too often
Get manipulated too often
Be too early too often
Feel guilty too often
Feel hopeless
Feel trapped too often
Feel unloved too often
Feel like a failure too often
Eat too much
Worry too much
Give to others too much
Drink too much
Care too much
Smoke too much
Rush too much
Obsess too much
Diet too much/often
Seek excitement too often
Yell or scream too often
Get angry too often
Act sexually inappropriately
Be greedy too often
Feel overwhelmed
Feel envious too often
Be anxious or afraid
Be late too often
Feel resentful too often
Feel lonely too often
Feel unlovable
Feel worthless too often
Feel unattractive
Feel unforgivable too often